Our aims, principles and projects

Our focus areas are:

  1. Raising awareness of how Leeds (and beyond) deliver health and wellbeing activity through the arts

  2. Exploring potential of our health and wellbeing services to make more use of the arts to deliver outcomes

  3. Work with existing Leeds arts agencies to have a greater focus on health and wellbeing

  4. Support efforts to deliver art to improve the health and wellbeing of staff across our partners

We aim to continue to do this by:

Developing ways to keep in touch and work cross sector between arts and culture, health and wellbeing, research and education, policy and decision making with support from interested people in and outside these sectors, in Leeds and beyond.

We are keen that our work

  • promotes equity, valuing the experience each member brings and creating a community through which we can support each other

  • enables sustainability both financially and environmentally

  • seeks to make a difference with our members outcomes and impacts relevant to current health priorities, strategy, research

Planned projects include:

Collaborating on arts, health and wellbeing events with local organisations such as Leeds City Council, Leeds Community Healthcare, Your Space, Space2 Leeds, Open Source Arts, Keep Real UK, Glug Leeds and Flavour Like Fancy.

Supporting emerging arts and health projects such as How to Be a Better Human by Brave Words Theatre and the Horizons Project led by an independent artists collective.

Supporting local festivals and events such as Leeds Literature Festival, the Public Health Conference, Leeds Digital Festival, Love Arts Festival and Leeds Festival of Play

Supporting relevant national events such as Arts in Care Homes Day, National Creativity and Wellbeing Week, Age of Creativity Month and Get Creative Week.

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Keeping Leeds visible to arts and health professionals, researchers, funders and other decision makers regionally, nationally and internationally by leading webchats, speaking at webinars and conferences, recording podcasts, writing blogs and proposing seminars.